
Some Testimonials on Dr. Abhra Roy Chowdhury's profile from Eminent Faculties & Roboticists around the Globe

"He is highly motivated towards research and backed up by an equal volume of independent and creative thinking." - Prof. Sangbae Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

" His work draws upon his unique expertise in design and controls of biomimetic systems." - Prof. Alexandra Techet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

"He would have been a great addition to the Biorob team at EPFL." - Prof. Auke Ijspeert , École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

"I admire his efforts to absorb and translate the learnings into his research implementation for social impact." - Prof. Jian-Xin Xu, National University of Singapore

"I’d like to commend his profile which is very strong. I think he would be exceptionally well suited for our team at IDRO" - Prof. Robert Richardson , University of Leeds, UK

"I look very much forward to doing excellent work together with him. " - Prof. Alexander Lanzon , University of Manchester, UK

"His records and qualifications are very impressive " - Prof. Leonid Freidovich , Umea University, Sweden

"Really impressed by his research profile and a perfect fit for my lab and my research activities " - Prof. Pietro Valdastri , University of Leeds, UK

"I look very much forward to doing excellent work together with him. " - Prof. Alexander Lanzon , University of Manchester, UK

"Congratulations and looking forward to working with you on control of soft robots ! " - Prof. Kohei Nakajima , University of Tokyo, Japan